[Criticize my collection]
How to answer "Explain your MCAT score" in an interview
What's the purpose of Anki remotes?
Older non-trads, what type of LoRs did you have when applying?
I’m about to be a father!
MMI style question discussion
Which one is better: 30-credit DIY post-bacc to raise sGPA 3.3 --> 3.5 or SMP?
Unsuccessful Third Cycle so far, Wondering What to do next
Accepted to Hackensack, not sure about the 3 year program
This is all very confusing
I need a very cheap cologne with this vibe
Person who's wife was applying to 100 schools
[IWC Automatic Moon phase] similar aesthetics but much cheaper?
[SOTC] What Next?
Has anyone else spoken with doctors who, rather than recommending the physician path, express a wish for exploring or knowing about other healthcare careers first?
Do yall do drugs?
I wish I didn’t submit my secondaries so early
Med School in U.S. as a Filipino Student
Can u cheer me on pls 😭
Your Top 3 Scents for LIFE.
First Time Being in the ICU….
Anesthesiologist carerr
What non-respiratory related thing does your hospital make you do?