GERD changed my life, but I made it to the other side. I experienced awful things and maybe my story can help someone else.
Acid reflux / NSAID
GERD /stomach issues - Etoricoxib or Cosyntyx?
Any success with PRP injections?
PRP injections for joints
Hip FAI Surgery with AS - Advice needed!
PRP injections for hips/knees/ankles
Heart rate and tight chest
Costochondritis - chest enthesitis?
Elevated D Dimer + tight chest and elevated heart rate / sinus tachycardia
Can PsA cause an increase in D-dimer?
D-Dimer 535 - What can cause it to be elevated beside PE/Blood Clot
Heart rate + chest tightness
TMJ arthrocentesis / disc displacement
Cosentyx to Bimzelx
Hypermobility & PsA
Enthesitis and clicking everywhere
Is there hope for me?
Hip FAI arthroscopy + PsA
Mesenchymal stem cells
TMJ with PsA
Bursitis/biomechanical issues
Pulsatile tinnitus
Subclinical PsA erosion & joint damage - what a disaster