Say no to tax again, I dare you mf
Amazing it is Life changing
In Japan, sumo wrestlers give their autograph to fans as a handprint, created with black or red ink. This centuries-old tradition is called a 'tegata'.
Over 3 months since this game has released, that's about a quarter of a year. What are your thoughts on how the game's going so far?
What happens if you get fired 1/3 of the way on a cruise ship?
She spoke truths all along, and people called her crazy and radical for it.
To release Tesla robotaxis every year for almost a decade by Elon Musk
Getting ready to take the biggest step
Sam Seder attempts to reason with a Trump supporter
I posted my preserved butterfly cookies here last week and people wanted to see the process - enjoy!
AIO at my girl friend for accusing me of cheating on her with sisters friend
Have you ever feel guilty after being toxic in Ranked/QuickMatch?
What character do you just not understand how to use?
Angular momentum in 2 directions?
For anyone asking... No, you can not land on spots previously landed on. it jumps them.
born to be a hater forced to love turrets
So proud of us 🇨🇦
Their better be a raise attached to this so called “error”
Anyone else disappointed by his moveset?
Get this woman in here!
Well that was easy. 3 clone matches and a few dailies, bing bang boom, new skin I'll never use!
Not using left click on Rocket should be considered throwing
Just a reminder: no support character can heal 654647 burst damage.
Found it!
Teach them how it’s done Alex. Mittens off.