My aunt caught my scars
Do you struggle with empathy?
Cheating on Partner
The Diagnosis of BPD is Scientifically Invalid
Gus was a bad dude.
Fiona’s Wedding ?
am i splitting or not help me out
BPD wife cheated. Feel alone and depressed.
Yo guys whats good
Prednisone/steroid mood swings ?
Ex got probation instead of prison due to BPD
what is the dumbest thing someone has said to try to stop you from self-harming???
Roid rage 😡
“testing” people and feeling disappointed when they fail the test
omeprazole only? anyone else?
Who do you split on the most?
I need a partner like this so badly right now
What's hard about dating you?
i don’t think i’ve ever completely forgiven anyone
"You Can always talk to me" - Lies from the pit of hell
Jesus Christ they hate me more than I do
I can’t get through my colonoscopy prep 😭
Boyfriend forgot i had bpd
Tiredness after eating
how different would life be if you didn’t have bpd?