MAT 222 I grade Exam
Spice bomb extreme V Valentino Coral V Chanel homme sport eau extreme.
Anyone from UW Madison to t25?
What colleges did you get into and which one did you commit to?
Is MadGrades an accurate representation of the difficulty level of a course?
Why does no one from HYPSM or t20 use the term “Prestige Whore”?
How commonly are supplemental scholarships granted?
Congrats everyone!!
Trying to find roommates and housing as a transfer student.
Purdue CIT vs UW Madison CS
Is CIT a good major to pursue SWE?
Rank these schools for CS
What schools did you turn down for UW Madison?
What’s a top school that doesn’t get enough recognition?
Class of 2028! Drop your favorite musical artist and the college you committed to!
Do “need blind” schools provide need based aid to transfer students?
Honest question: UCLA or Boston College
The folly of comparing career outcomes/salaries between top-tier private schools and top-tier state schools
UIUC transfer, yes or no?
Ppl who have committed, how would you rank these factors in terms of importance to your decision of what college to go to?
How to find off campus roommates as an international?
Rank the top 20 US news CS schools from your perception and understanding.
Is UW Madison arguably a top 5 public school?
Forbes says we’re a “Rising Ivy”
How do I socialise as a transfer student?