cyubeVR is now on sale in the PlayStation Store EU+US Regions, for 25% off with 5% extra PS+ Discount, the biggest discount yet! And the release of the game in the Japan Region is planned for later this month, currently working on that :)
January Sale live with many psvr2 games
What are some other games that are “enhanced” by the ps5 pro?
Where did all the PCVR players go?
From now until December 31, you can find Christmas presents in your cyubeVR world! 🎁 Inside of the Christmas presents you find random items - maybe even gold or rainbow dye. Also, during this Christmas period, take a look at the noses of the deer in the game ;)
It starts and then I can’t play it
My Cyube Football stadium 🏟️
Does cyubevr have creative mode yet?
If you had two games to buy with 75 USD/100 SGD for psvr2, what would you buy?
is PSVR2 worth it if i can't play without teleport?
"Ghost of Tsushima" in CyubeVR. PS5
Ps5 pro cyube
Is PSVR2 worth it for an 11 year old?
CyubeVR draw distance comparison PS5 / Pro
PS5 PRO reprojection improvements
cyubeVR is now on sale in both the PlayStation Store EU+US Regions, for 20% off with 5% extra PS+ Discount! Finally both regions are in a sale simultaneously for the first time. This sale is also timed nicely with the release of the PS5 Pro, the PS5 Pro Patch for cyubeVR is ready :)
Cyube VR has to be one of the best looking games on any platform.
Ps5 or pc
[SteamVR] cyubeVR ($19.99 / -20%)
Is there a way to craft or spawn animals?
New update
The first big update for cyubeVR on PSVR2 is live now! Many cool new things to craft and build, native bHaptics support, a great looking native water block, a feature for easily teleporting home, a dynamic 3D crafting recipe UI, Polish localization, three new trophies, plus many more improvements!