What kind of kinks/fetishes do you find disturbing?
How are your actions compared to your "inner world", that is, how's the relationship between your cognitive side and your behaviours? Do you ever feel like there's some dissonance between them? Or is it the opposite?
addicted to romantic attention
Isolation is addictive
Schizoid paradox
Absence of Ego
When fantasies become realities, it's very disappointing
The core frustration of people's expectations
My schizoid experience and journey towards a happier life. (Long)
Schizoid Personality Disorder vs Schizoid Personality Type
Solved all my problems, all that remains is emptiness
What is your experience with online friendships?
Beyond numbness
How would you describe SzPD?
The Empty Core. By Jeffrey Seinfeld
Sometimes I think I'm evil
The ultimate question
Not being able to understand why I am a schizoid
Excessive Love
Infantile Dependence and Mature Dependence
Phantasy and Dream Analysis
Parataxic distortion
Do you get more expressive or outgoing with people in your inner circle?
Sadistic superego, bad object relationships and perfectionism
Saying hello. And seeking help with anxiety.