I don’t know when I’m going to feel comfortable coming back to the game again
Community opinions on the map rework?
Am I the only one who likes the change?
Thoughts and feedback on the update
3 Lanes are Perfect
New Update Thoughts
Map Rework Update from Yoshi
Reactive barrier vs debuff reducer
so what do you guys think so far, does the game have what it takes to cement itself as another valve masterpiece like left 4 dead or TF2, or is it gonna be just another hero shooter.
Immigration minister says Canadian universities bringing in too many Indian students
Anyone else find it weird we don't have a "psychic" character?
Character's mains stereotypes. Day 6 - Haze mains
„Looking for Group“ MEGA-THREAD
Liberals want to nearly double CBC funding, as an investment in 'national security'
Can we boycott this game and company as a whole already?
Graphics. Gameplay. Story. Which is more important to you?
I miss updating the game every 15 minutes
Hexes are not interrupts, here's everything you need to know 🐇
Character's mains stereotypes. Day 4- Dynamo
Weekly Feedback Topic #13 - New Mechanics Ideas
when do you decide to give up on a game
I feel miserable
Should we just get rid of Hero Labs and have all heroes in one mode?