I'm thinking about leaving my wife. I am feeling emotionally and physically exhausted.
Never played WoW, Going into Wow Hardcore 😁
Hello fine people! Thoughts on the setup?
Math exam at testing center HELP
New Player Question
Help with stains please 😭
Performance of this game WTFFF
Ran into the goats in the Gatorade Gym
Rate my Setup 👀
Let’s play a game, what is my age based on my setup?
Regarding 4 pt dunks 2v2 theater
NBA internship
Any tips on the setup?
PS5 + PC setup help needed
I've made post today where people commented why the game is BAD. Now, tell me why the game is GOOD and what makes you play it.
What do I do now that I’m level 65?
New World really easy?
Is New world good? Im thinking aboutb getting it since its on sale
How much would this be worth ?
punched the F out of the corner of my tv like the very edge
GPS Intern Questions
My Blue Spirit PC
You see that little dot up there? Yeah, that's my pteranodon on passive flee. How do i get him down?