cheese wheel’s shitty little bubble nests
Cleaning pumps????
Suggestion for name
Name ideas for this guy
Rescue puppy 19% American Pitbull Terrior
my cat just came back like 20 min ago from outside and he has been sneezing alot, what does that mean?
cheese wheels tank
first betta in a while
Illegally told me to remove my dog because he had accident and my friend with me could remove him from premises
If pitbulls were bred for dogfighting, a “sport” that required dog aggression, where did human aggression come from?
Found out my dog is mostly pit how can I move on from here?
PSA: crossing the street during a marathon is idiotic and dangerous
question about sani wipes
Matt Sauerhoff is not a good neighbor
30 minute rule
Dog Trainer recommendation for an aggressive dog
cup writing
“Committed to partner safety”
Where did you buy your plants? How are they doing now?
My cat is hurt and i can't do anything
MAGA establishments to avoid
So curious what yall would make