Money shuffling to get Chase 1% cash back - does it look dodgy?
How would you improve the Monzo app?
Interest/ Perks account
The Traitors (UK) S03E07: Post-Episode Discussion Thread
What's your unpopular UK opinion? My one is the weather is brilliant.
What's your upper limit to walking somewhere?
What people are missing about the death match
Nice coffee shops/ coworking places with a view ?
Finding a place to parallel park WITHOUT saying “if people would park closer to each other, then we could have found a space”
How do you make friends in Huddersfield?
What’s the most unconvincing lie you’ve managed to pull off?
For Next Season
How would we feel about other roles apart from the traitors and faithful?
Stormzy: Driving ban for nine months for using phone in car
What Are the Drawbacks to Living in London?
How many people do you buy a Christmas gift for ?
Town centre... Oh dear..
Manchester City Center vs MediaCityUK
What's the worst mistake you've ever made at work?
Reflection - why do I still need my glasses to see in focus?
Subscribing to 'Perks' requires a new debit card?
Broadband deals
LPT if you're buying a new gaming console for your kids, definitely don't open it in advance for them and upload games to it.
What is your UK-based unpopular opinion?
Is there anything like Farmer J in Manchester?