In-store bonus points clarification
Donald trump supporters
My Christmas present made a student cry
No, the US will never invade Canada - My US Military friend
Thoughts on what this might be?
Canadian Politician to Trump: We’ll Buy Two of YOUR States
Going to VIP as an 18 year old?
alcohol and cancer: New Report
How do you feel about Trump's remarks about making Canada the 51st state and annexing is?
How many times did you go to the theaters this year?
Ex's income went up. He wants a modification to lower support
Belt bag for 60 year old?
Should I make a friend tonight?
To promise lower grocery prices.
Given the recent news about private healthcare in the U.S. Is there still people in Canada that would prefer to have a 2 tier system?
They brought back let everyone enjoy the show. Took them long enough
I want to move in with my boyfriend but his dog is an issue.
Asian man in Crown and cape running around erin mills
Most humane way to euthanise a fish without clove oil?
Point of Sale error -300k point
How did you all do holding your breath for radiation?
AITA for not allowing my foster parents to put parental controls on the iphone my biological parents bought me?
An interesting conversation with my husband…
AITA for refusing to go to my husbands grandmas house Christmas morning?