Is all this mixing of politics and religion in the US ultimately going to drive more Americans away from religion?
What saved you from your deep dark depression?
What is a lot harder than people realize?
What’s a REAL certificate you have that is completely useless?
If you cant afford Hawaii but want something similar where do you go?
Americans how are you feeling right now?
Jeopardy daily calendar controversy
What is the food a lot of people like that you don’t like?
What was the scariest city you’ve ever been to?
What’s a popular movie that you don’t like?
What stop you from killing yourself?
What's a food that you don't eat purely because of texture?
What will the U.S. military do if Trump tries to use military force to annex Canada or Greenland?
Do you believe in a God? Why or why not?
What is a rich person thing that you would be totally into if you became rich?
Jess & Jimmy getting back????
If you woke up as your 23 year old self what is the first thing would you do?
No matter your religious background, Do you have a relationship with the creator God?
As an atheist, how do you deal with the knowledge of your own death
Gnostic Atheist here for debate: Does god exist?
They talking about 7 inches snow Sunday and 5 inches snow Monday …what y’all think
Atheists, how do you reconcile your belief?
Extinction and Homo Sapiens
What is the best way to remove hair from your balls?
What is the point of making your bed?