Name a band you're completely obsessed with!!
tfb songs as colours- DAY 5: BLUE
Why Don't People Like Lover Boy?
Probably been done before, but struck me this morning...
Cant stop thinking about how my crush high fived me after rejecting me
People here are so mean 😶😶
Any idea on how I can try to pull this one girl that I want
ONE word
Anyone wanna start an MC realm?
Is this a good drawing?
16-20 year olds of r/teenagers; what kind of advice would you give to your Younger self?
i need to cut off my fingers
What is your TFB "deep cut?"
What is your Eminem “deep cut?”
What is your “𝘰𝘩” moment
wyd if you had an unlimited supply of ink cartridges and oranges but were stuck on a remote island?
i’ve been getting this kinda a weather most my life but it’s still surreal to see the weather say it feels like -14*F
how are people so naturally funny and outgoing💔💔
I confessed!
Give me a song and I’ll rate it
hardest line in any tfb song?
how do i convince my mom to let me wash my own hair
Rating music
Is the age gap bad?
How bad is it that everyone saw me fail to lift the bar
Love of my life, gone forever Love of my life, gone for good