Drove in for an oil change, drove out with a some Baja.
48hr proof p0rn 🐆
Give me 3 hours, and I'll give you the world.
Saturday evening pizzas
48hr pizza p0rn 🐆
I think I'm a BIGA man moving forward...
Used S24 Ultra from FB marketplace
What does this button mean?
Been working on my own 8hr Vera Pizza Napolitano recipe, final version...Now with finished photos!
After weeks of testing an 8-hour room temperature fermentation.... Dialing in my own recipe.
What if I told you this was KA bread flour?
After weeks of testing out my 8-hour room temperature dough recipe, I think I dialed it in...
Cosacca & classic margherita
Philly style....
Memories, summer 2024.
100% biga-style preferment
Memories, summer 2024
You've got me in a room alone for 1 minute... What are you doing? 😂 😂
First post here, 60% hydration
72h 68% Caputo Cuoco
Poolish still remains the 👑