Brown/Black Belts: What do you still suck at?
Is playing butterfly guard worth it? (Gi)
I don’t know anyone’s name
I think the king of hearts was a huge missed opportunity
Coolest thing you've seen live?
If You Could Ban One Move in BJJ, What Would It Be and Why?
A coward gets space aids, falls in love with a badie, becomes a badass, is sad and wishes he hadn't fallen in love, is sad that his space aids is cured, gets one kiss and is sad. But then it's good because he gets even more powerful space aids.
I found a White Belt Coach. What should I do?
This made Cody "the guy" for WWE.
Not respecting the tap
Trump says he will label violence on Tesla dealerships as domestic terrorism
Baki pose references in SNK and Capcom fighting games.
If you could only choose one well known competitor to teach you BJJ. Who would it be and why?
How to get the most from practicing with older/lighter guys
Austin Theory selling compilation 😭
Passed up for promotion
"Americanas suck" 10p kids coach
Will DaVinci + photos let me make higher-quality stop motion than Stop Motion Studio?
Thoughts on Becky's first run as The Man (2018-20)
In Stop Motion Studio, I don't seem to be able to lock the exposure and focus on Manual?
What’s a flex in the game you love?
I feel like I'm just getting worse.
Is back control the best BJJ position against physically stronger opponents?
Black belt 16 throught 25y