Dealing with dirty bedsheets
My poor little baby - knocked her over! Help!!!! Located in Vermont.
I Want to grow plumeria in winters from cutting l need your help.
Heterochromia or just hazel?
Surprised…How do I maintain progress?
Someone gave me this cutting is it a lost cause?
Police Showed Up
Am I going overboard?
Deodorant Recommendations
Gone or hope?!
Client says she doesn’t know how to navigate app
Overcame my anxiety and declined a request
What color are these eyes?
Leaning plumeria
Help i tried rooting it started to grow but then it did this. Do i cut off bad?
Malformed Nodes on Branches
Should I Re-Prune?
Leaf growth, but no roots
Forced cutting, is this healing?
Am I propagating right?
What should I do?
What do I do with this?
Removing soil for overwintering: Can I move forward even though the plant still has its leaves?
Help in Cali