How long can I leave my puppy alone in a puppy proof room?
Masculine nickname for Madeline?
I walk like I have tin legs - cannot wait for newborn phase (am I dumb?)
When did you announce your pregnancy?
When did you start buying things and putting the nursery together?
Posting about the pregnancy before telling colleagues
“Standing next to you will make me look SO much thinner!” Why do women still say stuff like this to each other?!
do you like your own kids? soon to be FTM
AITA for breastfeeding my son around my father-in-law despite him getting upset
Appreciation post for cereal + milk
Is it normal to feel kicks in different areas on different days?
Are people actually getting less views after the ban?
What saved you from your deep dark depression?
Thoughts on using your first name for your child’s middle name?
I am due so soon and need help with a name
Getting married, but I don't want to change my name
Wife and I really like the name Elliott, but our surname is Smith…
Is anyone else's nose DRY AS F*CK??
What are y’all’s favorite “boy names” for girls?
In hospital - Ari or Leonard??
How to honor grandma "Lennis Elaine?" Ideas?
Please help!!! Need a girl name!!
losing hundreds of followers a day?
my f18 partner m18 said he will kill himself if I leave him. how do I leave him without him killing himself?