Aero M5 with an FDE and black desert-ish paint job
Gas gun accuracy expectations, thiccc5 creed update
My 24” 6.5 creedmoor. I shall name it Bingus.
Thicccc.5 creed, 15.4lb
How do you guys clean surpressors
Whats the slur for those with all the gear and no idea?
low res hunt feels like fistful of frags
🅱️ASED or ghey?
Take a note, bois.
built this fucken… thing, chambered in 6.5 sneedpoor
Everyday struggle
tboy friend drew a boymoder :)
bro what
Could HRT have saved her?
Abundance; A copious amount of something
Complaints about Mammoth seem crazy now.
New beetle variant datamined for the next update
Opinions on men who take estrogen?
It's official guys we're safe to play bb wars
Watched Furiosa for the first time and then rewatched Mad Max Fury Road
wordington fear
Stick Shift anyone?