infantry vs vehicle combat in Squad is unbalanced, this data shows why 91% of you should care
is there any reason to choose Insurgent support group?
How on gods earth are you supposed to play Goose Bay?
Squad Giveth and Squad Taketh Away
Don’t complain about shitty Squad Leaders (SL) and that nobody plays the objective, because y’all wanted it.
900m Headshoot with the Timberwolf
Consider saving your Mystery Bobblehead Boxes until next update!
so if im installing a cracked game with VPN, can i pause it and turn of VPN without compromising my own security?
Nostalgia 3.0
hello. i was wondering what are the best mods to make the original games more hardcore?
Games with really good AI
best mods to improve game?
Does the supply drop mod remove any base weapons?
Looking for advice - what did I do wrong?
My monitor stand is huge and gets in the way of my mouse and keyboard placement. Can I saw off little pieces at the end without fucking up the structural integrity?
Using CoD tactics but failed
Don’t revive people next to stairs
In your opinion, do you think Squad needs a direct competitor? And if so, what would you want that game to be like to make it a perfect competitor? What changes, improvements or new mechanics would you like to see?
The best-worst anti armour play i've witness
I am absolutely in love with Squads ultra realistic flight model
T62 ammo rack at 1291m with my trusty NLAW <3
What are best men’s body bar soaps or body wash
What voxel engine does 7 Days to Die use?
hello, what direction do i go to learn about how to make voxel games? i notice that games like Minecraft and 7 days to die are entirely different but are both voxel games that let you completely destroy any part of the environment and build it back. thanks you
Unpopular opinion : The WPMC is a bad faction