"Lost German Girl", a beaten woman filmed on a country road near the Czech border during the surrender of German troops in May 1945. To this day, her identity & what happened to her before or after this is unknown
Look Who’s Back (2015)
Why does JOI from Bladerunner 2049 have Blue Hair? Is she a libtard? Woke is ruining our AI Girlfriends.
We could have had a universe where James Cameron's "Avatar" was culturally impactful
«The new Nazi salute (required)» Dutch Anti-Nazi postcard, 1944
What’s the best written and worst scenes/moments so far
Favorite movies where the title is said explicitly ? I'll start
The average Cinephile
Favorite movies with A24 STYLE filmmaking ?
"ONE DAY SHE WILL WAKE UP" by American artist Robert Berkeley in 1925
American imperialism is war, slavery, racism. USSR 80s
Favorite movies that gave a terrible message ? I'll start
Jokes writes themselves
Come and See (1985)
Favorite movies that are considered as 'pointless acting' ? I'll start
"Americans will not be fooled!" circa, 1942
Movies that had terrifying real-life consequences?
The boy's characters, but on the political compass
Favorite actors with range that will be studied one day ?
"Great Satan US drowned in Satanic Plans All Over the World" - Cartoon showing America surrounded by training plans for Ukraine, Syria, and Taliban, approving them all. 2016.
LKY method
Films that accurately portray the homosexual experience?
Did you know , in Avengers : Endgame (2019), Scarlett Johansson kills herself so that she doesn't have to be a part of the girl power scene
Favorite american actor who has portrayed a latino?