Looking for family saga recs like The Corrections and Pachinko
TMD has destroyed my life and I am contemplating suicide
My favorite Tammy moment
What’s the Best Book You Read This Year That You’d Recommend to Everyone?
Sudden teeth clenching since Invisalign. Dentist is blaming me?
What do you wish you had or knew before starting your Invisalign journey?
Second day of Invisalign
The female tiredness epidemic
Day 1. Already gave in to taking them off.
S3 E6 - Felt “off” to me
Still obsessed with this song, after all these years.
Is something a bit off about this season?
What’s the WEIRDEST book you’ve read?
what are your top 8 favorite films?
Panic while waiting in lines. Need advice
Joe’s kitchen crying.
What makes someone stylish?
This show is brilliant
STILL waiting for a legit reason why its cancelled..
What is wrong with Tammy?
Do you agree that we as INFJs attract narcissists? If so, what attracts them to us?
Feeling suicidal today
Hashimotos and Thyroid Eye Disease
Do you take levothroxyzine and Cytomel at the same time?