Tell Us About Life in Fairview Park!!!
North Olmsted Pros and Cons???
Greer is doubling down on the disclosure before 20th Janaury in 2 days old interview.
Death of International Space Station 'leaves Earth vulnerable to alien invasion'
Why Burke Lakefront?
WOMEN! - Avoid This OBGYN
For those of you who haven't read Imminent by Luis Elizondo yet, you should.
When Will the WEP Repeal Back Benefits be Paid?
Spherical Drones???
Spherical Drones?
AI will not disclose when it becomes sentient.
strange tone/noise around my current location
I always change the tip to $0 on Uber Eats and feel no shame
I 24m hooked up with 49 year old woman
Religion and relationships
Broke up with my girlfriend of 2 years
Anyone else find the new Cleveland Museum of Natural History to be very disappointing?
I said something racist in a lobby full of white people
HB-1 Visas... Now Even Fewer "Good" Jobs?
Anyone else seeing highly strange things that may or may not really be there?
Low Spectrum Autism - Adult Age 66?
ADHD & Lion's Mane/Shilajit
Are the Plasma Balls (Plasmoids) Over New Jersey and Elsewhere Government Black Ops?