Advice for young students
ULPT: roommates bf always over. how to get them to go to his house?
Disappointed. No weird kids on day 1
I don't understand how you all pay bills in law school
Things to do when you're dead in Phasmo
Which law school has the least attractive students?
Ascension Bugs Megathead
I Just Can't Live
Why doesn’t any of my female friends barely like any of my Instagram posts or comments or gives me attention?
Took out a loan on an expensive used luxury car at 18. How do I fix this?
I don’t like this-
How to play Civ6 with a friend that doesn't know how to play
I swear, every challenge ... why the extra camera stands?
What's your best name if you found a religion?
Phasmophobia - Ultraviolet | Development Preview #11 | 19/05/23
Occuptation to put on tax return
My headcanon on next update money/level reset.
Locating retirement funds
Selling a home - owned less 2 years
possible suggestion for when your dead in game
Can someone explain to me why my Earned Income Credit (EIC) is so low?
Just to gauge general interest, what type of law do you hope to specialize in?
Buying a new car vs used in this market
What's a movie which is widely panned that you love?
AITA for telling my son that if he can't help me then he can pay for his own stuff?