Mom just dropped you off and gave you $20 where you going first?
Was Artie being on the show a positive or negative for his drug problems?
Youre sick for an entire year but you get 5M at the end if it
Pickmeigh is driving and posting again and trying to start rumours she's betrothed. Extra points for tailgating.
The top-rated TV shows of 1997-98. What sticks out to you?
Jaylans outfits were always so questionable
Bigfoot Has Her All Alone
Prettiest Moonsault Ever?
JD got over with everybody and all it took was broken ribs and a punctured lung.
Had Sega not badly fumbled, would they still be in the console wars today?
Another uncomfortable gym photo session with nathan and barely legal 🫠
Jenelle is always wrong
Returning fan, asking about Jey
Does anybody actually like these people?
Anyone else think Jenelle single in Vegas has potential to end very badly?
EXCLUSIVE! Update on David Eason’s Child Abuse Court Case: When He’ll Go to Court for Allegedly Strangling Jenelle Evans’ Son Jace
If you drank a lot in your younger days, When did you stop? Why / what made you stop ?
RE: The Enshittification of it all
Sexualised Social Media and Sobriety Battle
What’s a time you’ve said “f*ck it” and made a huge change in your life?
Chelsea is so irritating
People who give job interviews, what are some subtle red flags that say "this person won't be a good hire"?
Teen Mom's Catelynn Lowell Reveals Where She Stands With Daughter Carly's Adoptive Parents
There is so much to be said about Nathan's posts lately