اختي ماتعرف تتكلم عربي
Restaurant spots for a date anno 2025
Can you do a baptême and participate to the folklore if you dont drink ?
6 hour drive and you can only listen to one artist. Who are you listening to?
Which movie\game ending made you cry?
What event would you choose to witness if you could time travel back one time (but not interact with)?
What smells not so good but you like regardless?
In your opinion, what’s the nicest Arabic accent?
Rate the new Saudi Riyal symbol
I have no words… Pt3
متطلبات فيزا الشنقن مذله للسعودين
Advice for an 8teen yo girl
تعيد اخطاء والديك ؟
Anyone else?
What are some of the weirdest but funny pickup lines you know?
Fast food workers of reddit, what gross special request still bothers you?
كيف وجدتو شريك حياتكم:)
If you had to do life all over again, what would you change?
What’s your favorite ‘feel good’ saying?
Rant from behaviour at doors metro/tram!
Is or was "eating chicken" a euphemism for having sex?
What song is stuck in your head right now?
What lie do you tell yourself most often?
Srebrenica: Desecration of Muslim Graves
الزواج من الغير سعوديه عادي في عائلتك ?