Who is the worst vendor in the Bazaar?
Legend Ranked Rant
Inconsistent query execution time
Cortex Classify Text Experience
Using LLM to Optimize Snowflake SQL Queries – Seeking Recommendations and Insights
Just a few things today
Studies in 2025?
NULL Data Optimize Storage?
Sorting a large table - Most efficient way
Importing python packages in Streamlit in Snowflake
How common is shitty data?
No ETL way of interacting with SQL Server & Snowflake
Creating webhook to pull in 3rd party application data via snowpark?
Migrating from costly cloud data warehouses
I'm a data analyst, how is how I use SQL different than how you use it?
Show effective permissions and where they come from for a user and/or role
Titan Core: Snowflake infrastructure-as-code
How much should you be generalizing your ETL pipelines?
For timestamp_type_mapping account parameter, what do most people set it to at the account level? TZ, NTZ, LTZ?
Delayed flight policy
Load inconsistent data from multiple data sources into a DWH or data lakehouse
Questions about Native Apps and references
Is dbt actually a hot mess or is it just me?
What happened to modern data stack?
SnowPark Container Services and Slack Socket Mode