$10 Steam gift card!
3.15.20 is hacked
The boys kept me company while I donated blood today
Drummers, what are those things Josh has in his floor tom?
I managed to find a Clancy journal and the Listen Event CD and vinyl cover all in one week!!
Pet Cheetah is orange! What tøp song is yellow?
The Oldies Station Community Mural!
what vibe do i give off?
Old childish Gambino lyrics were wild
Quit Smoking, Earn $445
Ghost Pepper Wings- they were terrible
Just ate lunch in my car while listening to Blurryface. Life doesn’t get much better than this
so uhm
I just noticed this detail from season 2, episode 7.
Rhett and Link GMM poster I made (first time doing something like this, would love your feedback :D)
Does anyone remember this joke from the show?
Got all three Clancys!
Recent find
how old am I based on my Netflix continue watching.
well thats not good…
the custard lady wants me
Thats a lot..
I'm sorry but this rule is so stupid
this is my topster. am i stupid?