is there some set of rules that allow you to play as a severed head?
I fucking hate libertarians
What is the difference between Husserl and Merleau Pontys conception of "the double sensation" and the metaphysical status of the lived body?
whats the differences between Husserl and Merleau-Ponty's view of the body? Are they the same?
Why did Tony kill Christopher?
Drum solos sound terrible
Does Marx use the terms estranged labour and alienated labour synonymously or do they mean something different?
Does Marx use the terms estrangement and alienation synonymously or do they mean something different?
Polcomball tier list
I will go bald if KSI loses 💀
Orbit Is The Worst Player For This Game
My favorite part of the Quran is when Allah said "It's Allahing time" and then proceeded to allah all over the bad guys.
"John Steinbeck once said that socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." - Ronald Wright [850x400]
The hate on Skyler is absolutely justified and here's why
The famous conspiracy led by no one at all
Can someone please explain the coffee without milk joke?
Fuckin Based, Dwight D Eisenhower.
what are the main differences between the Zizekian and classically-marxist critique of ideology?
justifying worker ownership without the labor theory of value?
Ideology lightly mocking itself?
in what marxist tradition can zizeks thought be classified?
Žižek And So On Podcast: Ayn Rand
Make assumptions based off of who I admire the most
Left out the ones i didnt know
Zizek And jordan peterson