Best Razer for legs and arms?
Any good trans asmr recommendations?
Why do you think John didn't kill Isof when the had the chance during the pool scene in JW1?
What is something that should be obvious but you didn't realize till later in life?
What is the most interesting post you've seen?
What is your dream job?
My job is supportive with my name change
What's the best advice you can give to a trans person?
What's the funniest thing a child's ever said to you?
What is the cutest name you've heard?
What's the best nickname you've heard?
What isThe best quote you have been told?
What is Something interesting about your job?
What is the best advice you have been given?
What Is the dumbest question somebody asked you?
What's a song that you couldn't take off repeat the first time you heard it?
What inspired your username?
What's the funniest joke you heard?
Mental health professionals of do you ever use the coping skills you recommend if so what one?
What is your favorite word?
What is your biggest fear?
What is your wallpaper on your phone?
Webtoonwhere a boy is forced to crossdress or is changed into a girl? Preferably, he would reject the idea at first.
Big 3 pieces long came in black bag
Gray black tall long 3 pieces came in black bag