Idiot on Power St
Just got my hair done, roast me
Do your worst please
32m. From New delhi, India. Going through a hard time. Make it worse. Roast me.
What is a clear sign that you're getting older?
Subaru needs a van
My first car at 21, roast me!!
Wing Or Wingless
My WIP battle car - 2020 Subaru STi
Currently visiting Japan and saw this on the street. Why can’t I get this in the states 😭😭😭
Why does my head hurt after masturbation?
What is the most bullshit profession that actually exists?
FIFO back to normal town work
What’s something people who grew up in an urban area will never understand about living in a rural area?
Wagon life
What the reason you like subaru's?
Survey: how old are you and why did you buy your car?
Can anyone help me?
Britain funded a study to determine why the head on a man's penis is larger than the shaft.
Bought my first Subaru! A 2016 Levorg
what's the most offensive joke you heard ?(there is no limit )I will go first
What’s in your driveway?
Shifter came off while parking. Bought yesterday
How do I turn one of these bad boys into a drift missile?
[Highlight] Dame defies all logic as he drills the standing three right past the halfcourt line