Which electoral boundaries do you anticipate the EBRC redrawing?
Bad Bunny Quits 'Hot Ones' Midway-Through Taping After Concerns for His Colon
DIY Auto Top-Off System with Submersible Pump – Advice Needed! Leaving for 2 Weeks
this ceiling fan inside the local church
Should singapore have a dedicated road cycling lane/route or something similar (not like PCN)
Officer taking photos inside the house
Can I keep shrimp in tap water?
Wish we got a better development
Singapore needs foreigners to survive but 'significant safeguards' in place to protect local jobs: Tan See Leng
Have I already wore through the leather sole? Only wore out 5 times
How many of you have the 1tb? Got mine and keep it for few years to come!
People’s Voice’s Prabu Ramachandran Looks Down on NUS English Literature Students, Says is “Worthless” - In response to PAP’s New Candidate’s Education Background
Every year says we will keep public housing affordable...but prices keep escalating. U believe?
Crickets with Tom Yum Flavor sold at Sheng Shiong now
ELI5 How can meteorologists give an accurate prediction of upcoming temperatures?
RIP brother 🫡
"JuSt MaKe EvErYtHiNg Op"
Step to negate excessive inbreeding
It's happening
Instead of making mechs more durable, we need them to be more expendable
Even without any AT capabilities, I dream about this beauty every night.
What ever happened to the review bomb cape? They said they would release it at "the right time", but it's been 7ish months.
Anybody have links on cheap DIY builds of watch winders?
Is this a good way to support my gpu?
Govt seeks 'plurality of voices' & accepts contrary views as long as they are constructive: Edwin Tong