we’ve seen the effects of alcohol; now let’s compare the effects of a thc gummy!
My kid is now reading almost a book a day, can you nice folks recommend some good reading for a 10yr old?
New episode just dropped. Who's who in this situation?
What are the gags/moments that made you laugh the hardest on first watch?
Anyone else handling their steam deck like it's a baby?
The Snowball Revenge: did Dwight go too far or do you think Jim deserves it?
Friend's name is Cole and I need an annoying nickname
Getting surgery tomorrow
Would I be insane to get this bag as a 27 year old?
A TV Show that will heal me, fix me, make me whole again
What are some random unexpected jokes in the show that make you laugh hard
Words you still can’t pronounce
Just learned I've been purling wrong for years...
what is the one feature that everyone should know about?
i’m in search of something very specific please help me!
What’s your favorite piece of continuity?
i literally just got interested in…
The women cops from the first season.
*work work* Angelicaaaa *work work* Eliiizaaa and-
What's the best type of couch to get when you own cats and dogs?
Random hole?
How to develop as a knitter?
What time of day do you shower and why?
Accused of stealing:/
Found like 15 dead birds under our tree this am