10dpo, First response, cycle day 27, fmu
8 dpo - asking for good vibes
What do we think, ovulation on CD 11 or CD 12?
General Chat February 06
9 dpo - do you see a line? Easy@Home
faint line ?? 10 DPO
Squinter?? Help! 4 dpt vs 5 dpt
9 dpo early @home
Am I crazy to have hope to have hope with this line at 8.5 dpt? Please help :)
Thoughts? Easy@home brand 9DPO
A literal hot dog in the pork rice I was served on a United Airlines flight.
Wondering Wednesday
12 DPO. I am feeling discouraged and “out.”
General Chat February 05
What has become so expensive that it’s not worth buying anymore?
Blurry picture of a dog
Are potluck weddings tacky?
Do you share your TTC journey with others? Why or why not?
General Chat February 03
General Chat February 02
Getting stressed out with my friends and partner planning trips and me not knowing if I’ll be pregnant or not by then… What do you do?
A week of Exceptional - How Oura changed my life
I don’t understand
Did I just get super lucky or..?
Happy February, here are some Valentine’s Day customs 🫶🏻