Erobb221 trauma dumps during a CS tourney
Erobb hit Britt with MUSTARD
Erobb predicts the outcome
Puncay gets SM64 120 star record by 1 second, first record with Carpetless!
Erobb's subreddit knows him too well.
Moonmoon has a better idea
Marshawn Lynch is not a viewer
Adept says she is married after being asked if she is single
Just a late night snack
Ice Cream so good
Jerma985 does a Kenny impression
Kick staff comes into xQc's chat while watching The Dark Knight on stream and tells him to stop
Shroud's thoughts on the Twitch / Kick competition moving forward
Shroud compares his Mixer signing to xQc's Kick deal
Moonmoon thanks xQc for extra leverage in his upcoming Twitch contract negotiation
Hasan leaks another streamer signing with Kick
CodeMiko notices an interesting addition to a statue in Scotland
Knut clarifies that he's not leaving Twitch, will only stream on Kick part-time
Graycen DonoWalls Bonnie and pays for it
Penta gets engaged to longtime girlfriend
xQc's first Kick stream crashes the site
AI Trump says he would never collaborate with Mizkif on Rumble
Mizkif leaks the next person to sign with Kick
Keep your chin up, lil Rumble-stiltskin
Adin's opinion on xQc joining Kick