Sooo what’s the pass rate for GA?
Graduate Algorithms should be your 3rd/4th class
The (hidden) inflation tax is also wrong
Taxation = Theft
How hard is attending this school?
Which class has the funniest lecture videos?
Is there really no hope in Austin right now?
[OC] A long and brutal job hunt has finally come to its end
OK, why is everyone so obsessed about Humanoid robots? What am I missing?
The first test in Graduate Algorithms
Why is Reddit so left or whatever you call it? Also is there a better app?
Unrealistic expectations and requirements for a senior software engineer role.How many of you robotics people have all these skills.
How to prepare for the degree in Specialization in Computational Perception and Robotics
How hard is Natural Language Processing without an ML/DL background?
How f'ed am I for GA Exam 1?
Struggling with How To Study For GA
I am struggling to “context-switch” between work and school. Any tips on getting better at this?
Seriously screw Republicans for acting like they believe in small government and a free market
Presented unironically.
Want to build Machine Learning/LLM apps, is OMSCS for me?
Startup Club is recruiting for 2025!
is ga really that bad - an aspiring ML Spec
CS6515 GA: exams are now 90%, Homeworks 0%
Worth it just for the learning?
~300 forums to be deleted as a result of UK Online Safety Act
White Collar Recession. Is Structural Unemployment Here to Stay?