Cleaning the 10,000 liter aquarium..
Sofia is sucking on a whole rag/towel. I want to rescue her.
Looks like the rods are headdd to florida for valentine’s day
Here we go..
Stumbled upon a turtle graveyard
Wife got me the gift I said I didnt want
Not much of an improvement, really.
This gravestone
AITA because I won't delay having a hysterectomy after the birth of my baby so I can be a surrogate for my sister?
MIL and SIL excluding us on purpose
Bought 3 items from a seller, all delivered in the one package, but charged 3 times for postage. Is that right?
Is there a way to not ever be matched with a specific giftee again?
Ivory Cream abomination of the day
Stocking for Santa exchange
Need to buy about 10 gifts for my employees/team
My gift was deliver to giftee but no "Thank you"
How do I gently steer my cousin away from a name
Secret Santa gift ideas
Amazon wishlist link
Gift ideas for my brother in law?
10 Year Old Girl Gift Help
So confused!
Last official update for re-matching
How do I politely ask for the rate we originally agreed on?
The Most Awesome Gifts!