If you are gen-z below 5'8 actively looking to date even after seeing how things are ur a delusional fool with no self respect
Stalked by perverts from a foreign country
all they care about is tall
Even by blind girls are obsessed with height
Need advice!
I used to be an incel. AMA
Did you guys see this new trend?? Joe Rogan is 5ft 2 (😂🤣✌️)
How do you truly stop caring about dating?
In reality how many women would laugh and mock a guy with a small penis.
I was wrong, heightism is real
Men making fun of single moms is insane
'Just date latinas bro, they're always dating men shorter than them'. Meanwhile, this Latin woman: "if you're below 6'1 don't even try it"
I feel ugly as hell
You gotta be kidding me man…
The guy I have been dating is married and he said he wanted me as a side chick because I am inferior to him, unlike his wife
I hate being a girl
It takes a tall man affirming for people to consider "height issues" seriously 😂
ive never had a boyfriend before
I am so sexually frustrated I found a stranger on the bus attractive when he was looking at me because I was blocking the way
Craziest excuse I’ve seen so far
I Cheated On The Love Of My Life and I Lost Them, I Want To Be Better
being a short man in todays society sucks giraffe dick
Nothing new here but personally this is the worst one I’ve come across.
Anyone care to explain what 6ft energy means
Smh crazy times we live in she apparently complaining about a kiss because her partner is too tall