funny sound effect
Bro if the diarrhoea is like this next week then I’m out
Bad side effects on 12.5
Brain moser , ICE TRUCK KILLER , spotted again
Help… my butt has disappeared 😫
Does Mounjaro increase metabolism, or does it only reduce appetite?
Too cute...heart hurts
The middle of my tongue has lots all taste buds…it’s completely smooth, it hurts to eat some things.
Weight loss 🥰
This ain’t Macy’s at Thanksgiving so…
10mg 1st day
First dose taken!
Does anyone else hate Dean’s attitude towards Sam?
When did you first "feel" thinner?
Let's See Your Labs In The Snow
How do I know this is reputable?
Seems like a silly question but is dose pen finished? It doesn’t turn anymore but seems odd that it won’t push till the end?
Opposite issues with bowels
More gastro issues
What do you choose?
WTW for a period of time spent repeatedly doing the same thing?
Non chewable beds?!
AIO just received this text from my boyfriend
How To Make A Horcrux
Napping Makes Me Feel Worse?