Who would you cast as Sam without using her Original actor? (Keep ages in mind, 18-27ish) Day 2: Sam Giddings
It will exactly happen like this guys trust 🤞
To Cope with the Trailer today, who would you have casted in an actual "Until Dawn" Movie without using the game actors? (Keep ages in mind) Day One: Mike
Their height difference 😩
Until Dawn fan made bts 3
What’s your favorite Jessica moment or line
comment your favorite until dawn ship
What’s your favorite emily moment or line
What’s your favorite Sam moment or line
Am I the Only One Who Really Loves the Dr. Hill Segments?
Let’s take a moment to appreciate Noah Fleiss!
I’m not the greatest at putting my thoughts into words but this is the best I got at the moment.
Leaving him out of the sequel would be a huge mistake.
What’s your favorite mike moment or line
Jossam Discord Server!
Until Dawn and The Quarry Cast Collaborations
Which Until Dawn characters looks most like their actor?
The fact he instantly knew that it’s not Jess 😭
Josh is the best character supermassive ever wrote
Why I Think Mike Doesn’t Deserve to Be a Major Character in the Sequel
movie test screening feedbacks : was expected but still disappointing
Rami on Graham Norton show comments M Markle and P Harry
So I drew Hannah
Why does my PC keep making Mike look like this xD
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