any idea of what’s going on lately?
did anyone lose hair during their spiritual awakening?
Starseeds and experience with tektites
has anyone ever felt their twins ‘dark knight of the soul’
feeling lost & hopeless. dead inside.
bad dreams?
my unusual spiritual beliefs
i was wondering if anyone would like a free natal chart reading from me?
feeling torn between your path & your twins path
what are your spirituality/religious views?
as soon as i enter someone’s life some sort of ‘change’ seems to happen for them?
have any of you ever been visited by an angel or some sort of “being” in your sleep?
I had an experience last night that further assured how real and true this journey is
last night i had another experience that showed me how real and true this journey is to me, and the rest of you currently walking it
Tarot saying Pleiadian but I'm not.
This is probably all obvious but I just wanted to type out my thoughts
any weird feelings for you guys lately? or the feeling of possibly going ‘insane’ ?
Angels numbers I’ve seen in the past month…stuff started getting crazy to say the least
I found out my Starseed origin (I guess..?)
Could autistic people actually be starseeds?
I don’t want it anymore
can you feel your twin awaken?
Feeling sad and defeated
any of you guys ADHD?