Nahh im ready for a class action this nba season is too fucking fishy
It’s all luck don’t let them fool you!!
The 48 legs that won me $4600
Two days in a row hitting insane parlays. Here’s an 8 leg at +16405!!! $7K+ in two days.
From $8 to $1000+ in a week.
No research. No thought. A $50 free bet and a dream. Absolutely grateful. Life is crazy
Tomorrow we are winning boys
Send Prayers 🙏
How our Trivia Hosts make $200-$300/2hour game
You only have 70 to build your team, who do you choose?
Where did his nut go?
$10 to $2300 challenge❌ + Update
Fuck the LAKERS
Do you know what the definition of insanity is?
Worst week of gambling I have ever had.
Dollar well spent 🦾
Who’s gonna throw this one for me?
Class Action Lawsuit Against Loblaw for Misrepresenting Weight of Meat
ULPT: Are you a single Canadian? Now’s a really good time to look for a date across the border!
ELI5: Do other animals get "bored?
NBA free capital
People Don't Realize How Bad Cocaine Is For Your Body, Much Worse Than Heroin or Meth.
Just started this weekend, I hate this
Offer: It's my Cake Day so I'm giving away 5 x USD$100 (PayPal only)