Baby’s first 8a - Gunks, NY
Zoom65 + GMK Fuji (sound test in comments)
Late post, but here’s me celebrating my first Father’s Day in true Trad Dad fashion
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200km Cloaky ESS Paladins have no valid counter-play and should be considered an exploit
What is the deal with this "EF XXX" guy who constantly gate-camps Ahbazon?
Do public incursion communities still exist?
OpenAI releases "Pro plan" for ChatGPT
Is there a co-pay to refill the last bar?
Saw this in upstate new york and thought it looked unusual. Can anyone please enlighten me to what might cause this (someone who knows nothing about geology)
Why is my pickled cabbage still good?
When the best time to buy omega
Hangar Containers are not scannable...Why Not?
Why don't more corps ally with Eve Uni in the wars to help give some breathing room to newbies?
Leshak + Rodiva = C5 Stronghold. How to farm C5 anomaly, without wait fleetmates online? ENG Sub, PL Napisy
More Beam kiting ;)
Yosemite grading system modifier
Leader shall not fall?
Should I update my BIOS?
New Hard Boulder in the Gunks, NY
New-ish Player; Why do some people gank small/worthless targets?
Horseshoe Hell Shenanigans
Do you replace toilets when you buy a new home?
Any Incursion Fleet groups still running regularly?