How are you all keeping your houses and yourselves clean??
14 week wants to feed every 2 hours
Baby not eating enough from boobs
anyone else regret the name they picked out?
How often do you clean newborn's tongue?
I feel like I failed today.
You have to get a tattoo, but without a casual fan knowing what it is.
Dropped my phone on my baby
Are You Waking Your 5 Week Old?
Anyone not tracking their baby?
I regret having my 2nd baby
Did anyone else know that you would be waking up so early once you became a parent?
Anyone else’s 2 mo eating non stop?!
Opinions/experience on giving a pacifier from the birth?
When and how did you transition your newborn out of using a swaddle?
Those who are EBF, how and when do you introduce a bottle a day?
When did your breast milk fully come in?
How to do you give a bottle to ebf baby at 6 months?
How long did your babies sleep at 11 weeks?
Partner doesn’t want to do night feeds because all my milk is “day milk” and insisting I pump at night. Is this necessary?
Where do you feel your letdown? Or do you feel it?
I’m horrible
No one warned us!! What's yours?
Using 8oz bottles with newborn?