Help! Is my new tree overwatered or under-watered (mulch was messed up by dog. Need to redo)
Transplant shock or? (CO)
Thinking about a retainer wall/plant-bed to lessen grade. Thoughts?
Can anyone help? Rough pores between chest. Not itchy
Can anyone help with a Computershare issue? I am not able to access any functions of my account online. "Corporate Account Blocking: online sales are not available for this account type. Please contact Computershare." This also does not let me add banking information..
"Corporate Account Blocking: online sales are not available for this account type. Please contact Computershare" Can anyone help?
"Corporate Account Blocking: online sales are not available for this account type. Please contact Computershare." Does anyone know how to fix this?
"Corporate Account Blocking: online sales are not available for this account type. Please contact Computershare."
You teleport three feet in front of you. How has your life changed?
Disco baby
Why is my account a corporate account?? How do I change this?
Cant sell shares due to "Corporate Account Blocking: online sales are not available for this account type. Please contact Computershare" Can anyone help?
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r/GME Megathread for Tuesday - January 18, 2022
Cant sell CS due to "Corporate Account Blocking: online sales are not available for this account type. Please contact Computershare."
How do you tell your significant other you're going to take a dump?
$GME Daily Discussion - July 13, 2021
these posts just seem odd... anyone else?
Not a good sign from Schwab
How to vote on Schwab: Services --> Corporate actions --> Proxy Events --> Vote!! So easy even ape can do it
Yesterday was a record low in volume for a monday in 2021 of 5m previous low was 10m. They are running out of ammo.
Listen here you apes. Go to whatever shitty broker site you use, open inspector, and change your value to reflect $100,000 a share. Get used to that number, worship that number, and don't settle for a penny less.
GME YOLO update — Feb 19 2021
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