Found in the milk cooler at Safeway
Homemade hummus in the back of fridge for 2 months
Recommend "fuck you songs"?
Downtown is so dead
How old do you think I am?
My co-workers say they can’t read my handwriting
@danyciaraa (Tim Lambesis' ex-wife) posts statement on Instagram regarding Tim.
Why are FF ETLs so annoying
ETL JOB OFFER (Don’t accept)
Unpopular or controversial albums that you really like?
OPU I feel for y’all
Whats 1 artist you love that someone might not expect based off your music taste?
I miss Adrian Fitipaldes
Any older core bros struggling?
Literally embarrassed to work here
Wtf happened to alternative press?
What's your favorite metalcore band? and guess the persons age that's commenting
My HRETL is not human
Why tho
Tired of overcrowded backrooms? Make an OSHA report.
Fulfillment Rant
AITA for breaking up with my girlfriend because of a “caught cheating” prank?
Pepperoni bomb found on the shelf like this
what should i do?