Don’t forget to look in that “Misc” box!
First time grading a comic and I couldn’t be happier! 1st appearance of Rhino 🦏
Is this a misprint
Car Crash in Brazil
Card selling help
Did PSA mislabel my base set Charizard?
Vendor said these cost 50k at least… he was flexing haha
Am I being paranoid? I’m too worried about my sick leave.
So long my vintage babies 😭
Got job offer, scared to accept
Invincible’s first appearance and his guest appearance in the Marvel Universe
Took a while to complete the set but I’m proud of it
What is going on???
Just found this dude!
Would you guys have sex with your cousin for a deluxe
Are these actually real?
I shouldn't be a nurse
Broken slab 😬
Day 62 since the last leak 💔 What leaks do you guys have on repeat?
IMO the best moonbreon, glad I finally found one for a good price
Worth grading? Went straight to a sleeve and top loader. Only want if it’s good chance to be a 10
is that authentic?
This studio session is 🔥🔥🔥 Any recommendations for others?
Is this a box misprint or is this fake? (Pokemon logo isn't lined up to box cut pattern)
Masters of the Universe #1 - SpawnHunter Collection.