How to apply for a German pension refund?
Rate my startup idea out of 10
I have no desire to eat outside anymore
How to let landlord know that I'm leaving in a legal way
How to let landlord that I'm leaving in a legal way
Commerzbank and financing a house as a non-German speaker
Gradebook Archive current progress, how to proceed
Loneliness in Germany
What to say to colleagues if you are going on Urlaub
Why is it when a wealthy underage kid earns money, it’s considered acceptable, but when a poor underage kid earns money to support their family during significant hardships, it’s labelled as child labour?
How can I prepare for legal actions against my blocked account company " Coracle"?
Offering: English & Spanish / Seeking German, Russian, French, or friends
Offering: Arabic (N), English (C1), French (C2) | Seeking: German
Offering Arabic (N), English (C1), French (C2) for German
How would you rate a 4000 EUR (gross) starting salary in Essen?
Möglichkeit, den Namen während eines Arbeitsvisums oder einer Blauen Karte zu ändern
How can I meet german people?
Looking for advice on Business Masters programs in Berlin
MenuPix: Transform boring restaurant menus into digital ones with real dish images
Owning a Mini Business as Full-time Employee
Loneliness spreads in Germany - DW
A design question
Streak 1: Sport
Can I get an MBA degree from Germany and is it worth it?