What is wrong with my chocolate?
Cat keeps throwing up whole kibble
What do I do? (Long post)
Is this german? And what the heck is growing out of it??
No Socket/Wound on Right Side????
Should I be concerned?
Where the 63 genders thing came from.
Feeling like something is in my socket
7 days post op no pain, blood or swelling but weird metallic taste
7 days post op
Swallowed granulation tissue?
How painful will mine be? Just got my x rays done
I can’t wait for the dried blood to come off my piercing….
Ill just leave this here
What's it like after they're out?
Huge scar after getting nose pierced…
I passed my final exam
Sleeping on piercing
my setup.
New daith jewelry
Just had these two labia piercings done today NSFW/Warning for some blood!
Help me name this cat. She is a female stray Maine coon that we are hoping to adopt.