Does anyone even play this game anymore?
My bingo card for the new season
I'm tired of bot matches.
Ideal enemy matchups for petal dance venusaur?
Strongest lvl 5 Pokemon?
Questions about the art of jungling in solo q
So many bots
Does anyone know how to bypass playing bot matches after a losing streak?
EXP Share should be permanent on Supports and Defenders like Zacian's signature item
When is using exp share actually smart?
It’s funny how sometimes you can tell someone’s playstyle by their items.
Give me a genuine reason why a support should not run exp share hard mode is not saying my teammates are bad
Glaceon is stupid
Snorlax is my favorite troll build
Best third item for StackStoise?
Proceeds to afk the entire game from 8 minutes. I’m at ~1500. Why is matchmaking like this?
Team advantages
Carries aren’t fun for me anymore
Inder is returning to unite competitive and joining nounsesports in the UK starting febuary
What would you pick as last pick for this solo q team?
What Pokemon counters Scizor and I mean counters it really well?? (Preferably melee)
Bot games stop at masters 1400
Is anyone getting bot games over 1400?
Pokemon Unite Season 24 Ranked Elo Changes Explained...
Best counters to newly buffed mons